LER 5055
For 2-4 Players
P honic s
Be g inning
Ble nd s Ga m e
Cont e nt s :
• Game board
• Spinner
• 24 Blue beginning blend cards (key tops)
• 24 Black word-ending cards (key ends)
• 4 Markers with stands
Assemble spinner as shown here.
Ob je c t of t he g a m e :
Create the most words by combining blue blend cards with black word-ending cards. (Note: this
is a self-checking game. Suggested letter combinations are listed on the back of each word-
ending card.)
S e t u p :
• Stack the black cards, word-ending side up, on top of the treasure chest.
• Stack three blue cards, blend side up, at the end of each tentacle path on the spaces indicated.
• Choose a marker and place it on the octopus' head in the center of the board.
• Pick three black word-ending cards from the treasure chest and place them face up in front of you.
Dir e c t ions for g a m e p la y:
• Take turns spinning and moving towards the ends of the tentacle paths to collect blue blend
cards. You may move along any tentacle path you choose.
• During a turn, you may move forwards or backwards, but not both ways on the same tentacle.
• You may move across the octopus' head to another tentacle. Do not count the octopus' head
as a space.
• Jump over any space occupied by another player without counting that space.
Ma k ing wor d s :
1. When you reach the last space on a tentacle, pick up all of the blue blend cards there
and try to make words by placing them in front of your black word-ending cards. Check the
backs of the black cards to make sure you made an acceptable word. (If there are no blend
cards at the end of the tentacle, skip to step 4.)
2. You may stack blue blend cards on top of ones you have already used to create new words.
(For example, if you made the word flap, you could stack cl on top of the fl to make clap.)
Only blend cards may be stacked.
3. Return any blue blend cards that you could not use to the end of any tentacle on the board.
4. Return your marker to the octopus' head and take another black card from the treasure chest.
Now it the next player's turn.
5. When there is only one blue blend card left on the board, the first player to take it tries to
make a word with it. If he or she cannot make a word, this last card is set aside and the game
is over.
S p e c ia l s p a c e s on t he b oa r d :
• Pick an ending: If you land on one of these spaces, take a black word-ending card from the
treasure chest. If there are no cards left, it is the next player's turn.
• Treasure picture: If you land on a space with a picture of a treasure, move to the end of the
tentacle that has a matching picture and try to make words with the blue blend cards there.
If there are no blue blend cards, return to the octopus' head and take a black card from the
treasure chest.
• Seaweed slides: You may move to another tentacle by sliding on the seaweed slides.
All spaces should be counted. The seaweed slide is not counted as a space.
S p e c ia l s p inne r s p a c e s :
• Take a blend from another player: Choose a blue blend card from any other player. If you
cannot use it to make a word, return the card to the same player.
• Pick a word ending: Choose a black word-ending card from the treasure chest. If there are
none left, skip your turn.
S c or ing :
• You receive one point for each word you made and deduct one point for each of your unused
word-ending cards. To determine your score, set your unused word-ending cards aside. Add up
your blue blend cards, then subtract the number of unused word-ending cards you set aside.
The player with the most points wins.
Op t ions for a s hor t e r g a m e :
• Use 16 of the 24 blue blend cards and place 2 cards at the end of each tentacle. (Note: sl, st
and fl are duplicate cards, so make sure to only use 1 of each.)
For a d e a le r ne a r you , c a ll:
(8 0 0 ) 2 2 2 -3 9 0 9 (U.S . & Ca na d a )
(0 1 5 5 3 ) 7 6 2 2 7 6 (U.K.)
Or vis it ou r we b s it e a t :
Learning Resources, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL (U.S.A.)
Learning Resources, Kings Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.)
Please retain our address for future reference.
Made in China
CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts.
Not for children under 3 years.
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